imatge de capçalera

Social Commitment

Dreaming of a better world helps us to see ourselves as members of one big family and feel responsible for each other. We want to educate people that are happy helping others and who are active in protecting the environment  so that we can preserve and improve the world in which we live.

Global Community

Global Community

We take care of the environment because we care about the people who live in it, but also because we recognize that it is a gift that has been freely lent to us and that we should leave to future generations in the best possible condition.

If we want to be people who make a contribution, we must find a way to incorporate social commitment into our personal lives, firstly commitment towards those who are closest to us, our families, the school and the local community, and secondly to the rest of the world. We have set ourselves the challenge of educating people who are happy helping others and who are active in protecting the environment so that we can preserve and improve the world in which we live.

The GLOBAL COMMUNITY project specifies action points that we can implement to help develop a social commitment that will make the world a better place.

Social Initiatives

Social Initiatives

Throughout the year, families, students and the teaching staff get involved in launching campaigns to collaborate, both materially and financially, in social initiatives in the local area. Each centre organizes activities on behalf of the needy, such as food collections, charity concerts, races, fairs, etc.

It is important to encourage students to make decisions and commitments to participate in concrete actions that have an impact in their local and global environment. 

Corporate Social Resposability

Corporate Social Resposability

Airina aims to carry out its activities and investments in such a way as to help build a fairer and freer society. We want a society where it is easier for people to live with dignity, which values caring for the environment, which respects local and national communities and which supports initiatives with an educational, cultural and social value.