imatge de capçalera

Ethical Leadership

All people are unique and valuable in their own right and must be allowed to make their own decisions about life 
and take an active role in making changes to the world around them. 

Family Support

Family Support

At  Airina you, as parents, play a major role and the school therefore works to be in continuous direct collaboration with you. 

  • Delegate parents: The parents who are delegates for each year act as a link between the school and the families and pass on concerns and suggestions for improvement and organize activities where parents can meet each other and swap experiences, etc.
  • Tutorials: on a periodical basis, the parents and the children's tutors meet to set goals and devise plans to help the student improve. Coordination between parents and teachers is fundamental to get the best out of each child, on a personal as well as academic level.  
  • Course meetings: each term, following a seminar given by an educational expert, the class tutor explains the specific characteristics of the educational stage to the parents and discusses the best way for the family to deal with them. 

There are also many other means available to the family for educating their children: retreats for parents and children (where the parents act as monitors), training retreats and breaks for parents who wish to attend specific training courses, etc.  

Personal & Family Project

This aspect is based on the belief that every person is unique, irreplaceable and valuable in his or her own right and must develop ethical leadership to be happy. By doing so, a person will discover his or her talents as well as the meaning of his or her life and this can be used to help others and build a better world.

The development of ethical leadership requires the student's personal commitment, but also of his/her parents and teachers.

In this way it is created between all a climate of trust, respect and freedom, where each person feels loved and assumes the leadership and responsibility of their behaviour.



For years, we have heard about the importance of young people learning a set of life skills in order to be happy and continue learning throughout their lives.

AIRISS is a personal growth model comprising six internal strengths: autonomy, identity, integrity, resilience, sociability and wisdom.

Each of these strengths contributes to achieving happiness in a key area and helping to build a better world. The whole forms a complete and integrated unit that ensures that a person can continually grow in an upward spiral as a whole being. For a person to harmoniously develop his or her character, each strength must be projected in each dimension of a person's life, covering all aspects, including the physical, emotional, social, rational and transcendental.

Parent Training

Parent Training

We are family schools, because families have the right to education and a duty to educate. We therefore put a great deal of effort into guiding you as you carry out this essential task. We want you to be the best parents you can be to your children. Our concern is a concern for you as a family

To support you and help you with your children's education, the school organizes Family Guidance Courses, in collaboration with the FERT Association - which is part of the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD).